Celebrations of the 80th Anniversary of the Birth of Chairman Kim Jong Il

    The Korean people celebrated the 80th anniversary of the birth of Chairman Kim Jong Il as a greatest holiday of the nation.

All parts of the country were filled with an ardent yearning for Kim Jong Il, who, regarding “The people are my God” as his lifetime motto, made devoted efforts for the people and led the Juche-oriented socialist cause along the road of victory.

A national meeting and other political and cultural events were held in the
city of Samjiyon, Pyongyang and other places in celebration of the Day of
the Shining Star.
Photo, book, art, stamp, industrial design and other exhibitions were held, showing the immortal achievements made by Kim Jong Il and the proud course the country has followed to achieve prosperity and development; at the colourful artistic performances the working people of various social strata expressed their boundless reverence for Kim Jong Il and the enthusiasm and optimism with which they are working to bring earlier the bright future of socialism.
The soirees by students, youth and working people and the firework displays held in celebration of the national holiday added much to the festive mood.
The celebratory events that made the whole country brim over with praise and reverence for Kim Jong Il demonstrated the firm faith and iron will of the Korean people to add eternal lustre to his sacred revolutionary career and immortal exploits and translate his wishes into reality under the leadership
of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un.

1. 조선로동당 총비서이시며 조선민주주의인민공화국 국무위원장이신 경애하는 김정은 동지를 모시고 혁명의 성지 삼지연시에서 위대한 령도자 김정일 동지 탄생 80돐경축 중앙보고대회가 성대히 진행되였다.
The national meeting held in the city of Samjiyon, a sacred place of the revolution, in the presence of Kim Jong Un, General Secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea and President of the State Affairs of the DPRK


2. 위대한 령도자 김정일 동지의 탄생 80돐에 즈음하여 당과 정부의 간부들이 백두산밀영고향집을 방문하였다.
Cadres of the Party and government visiting Kim Jong Il’s birthplace in the Paektusan Secret Camp



3. 위대한 령도자 김정일 동지 탄생 80돐경축 삼지연시와 216사단기동예술선동대 합동공연 《 천 지 개 벽 된 삼지연에 울려퍼지는 2월의 노래》가 삼지연시문화회관에서 진행되였다.
Joint artistic performance Songs in February Reverberating in Transformed Samjiyon given by the mobile artistic motivational teams of the city of Samjiyon and Construction Division 216 in the Samjiyon City Hall of Culture


4. 위대한 령도자 김정일 동지의 탄생 80돐을 경축하여 평양시와 각 도, 시, 군들에서 보고대회 및 보고회가 진행되였다.
Meetings held in the capital city of Pyongyang and provinces, cities and counties



5. 위대한 령도자 김정일동지 탄생 80돐에 즈음하여 청년전위들의 맹세모임이 진행되였다.
Oath-taking Rally of Young Vanguard



6. 위대한 령도자 김정일 대원수님 탄생 80돐경축 조선소년단 전국련합단체대회
Joint National Meeting of the Korean Children’s Union Organizations



7. 위대한 령도자 김정일 동지 탄생 80돐경축 중앙사진전람회 《 조 국 의 부강번영과 인민의 행복을 위하여》를 돌아보는 근로자들

Working people looking round the National Photo Exhibition, titled, For the Prosperity of the Country and the Happiness of the People



8. 위대한 령도자 김정일 동지의 탄생 80돐경축 국가도서전람회장
National Book Exhibition



9. 국가도서전람회에는 1만종에 1만 5천여부의 각종 출판물들이 전시되였다.
Displayed at the National Book Exhibition were 15 000 copies of publications of 10 000 kinds.



10.광명성절경축 전국미술축전 《 애 국 헌 신 의 한평생》전국소묘, 서예축전장
National sketch and calligraphy show of the National Art Festival, titled, Life of Patriotic Devotion



11.광명성절경축 전국미술축전 《 애 국 헌 신 의 한평생》 중앙미술전시회장
National art exhibition of the National Art Festival, titled, Life of Patriotic Devotion



12.위대한 령도자 김정일 동지의 탄생 80돐을 경축하여 우표전시회가 진행되였다.
Stamp Exhibition
우표전시회장을 돌아보는 근로자들
Working people looking round the Stamp Exhibition



13.광명성절경축 산업미술전시회가 평양시와 각 도들에서 진행되였다.
Industrial design exhibitions held in the capital city of Pyongyang and provinces



14.청춘거리 롱구경기관에서 진행된 제25차 백두산상 중앙기관일군체육경기대회 개막식
The opening ceremony of the 25th Paektusan Prize Sports Contest of Officials of National Agencies held in the Basketball Gymnasium in Chongchun Street



15.광명성절경축 백두산상체육경기대회 남자롱구경기의 한 장면
Scene from a men’s basketball match of the Paektusan Prize Games



16.광명성절을 맞으며 태권도선수들의 시범출연과 경기들이 태권도전당에서 진행되였다.
Demonstration and games by Taekwon-Do practitioners held in the Taekwon-Do Palace



18,19. 청춘거리 수영경기관에서 진행된 광명성절경축 수중체조무용모범출연
Demonstration of artistic swimming held in the Swimming Gymnasium in Chongchun Street

18 19


20. 위대한 령도자 김정일 동지 탄생 80돐경축 대공연 《 빛 나 라 정일봉》이 평양체육관에서 진행되였다.
Grand performance Shine, Jong Il Peak given in the Pyongyang Indoor Stadium




21. 위대한 령도자 김정일 동지 탄생 80돐경축 대공연의 한 장면
Scene from the grand performance Shine, Jong Il Peak



22. 국립교향악단 예술인들이 출연하는 음악회가 모란봉극장에서 진행되였다.
Artistic performance by artistes of the National Symphony Orchestra held in the Moranbong Theatre



22. 평양교예극장에서 광명성절을 경축하는 교예공연이 진행되였다.
Acrobatic performance held in the Pyongyang Acrobatic Theatre



23. 제1차 광명성절경축 인민예술축전 개막식이 동평양대극장에서 진행되였다.
The opening ceremony of the First People’s Art Festival in Celebration of the Day of the Shining Star held in the East Pyongyang Grand Theatre



24. 제1차 광명성절경축 인민예술축전 참가자들의 공연의 한 장면
Scene from the First People’s Art Festival in Celebration of the Day of the Shining Star



25. 광명성절을 경축하여 만경대학생소년궁전과 평양학생소년궁전 예술소조원들의 종합공연 《장군님과 아이들》이 진행되였다.
The General and the Children, artistic performance given by members of art groups at the Mangyongdae Schoolchildren’s Palace and Pyongyang Students and Children’s Palace



26. 학생예술소조원들의 종합공연의 한 장면
Scene from the artistic performance by members of schoolchildren’s art groups



28, 29,30.
수도의 김일성 광장에서 광명성절경축 청년학생들의 야회 및 축포발사가 진행되였다.
Soiree of youth and students and firework display held in Kim Il Sung Square in the capital city of Pyongyang

28 29 30


31.광명성절을 경축하여 삼지연시에서도 축포발사가 진행되였다.
Firework display held in the city of Samjiyon



32, 33. 경축의 밤
Night of celebrations

32 33

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